Friday, October 22, 2010


I used to write a lot.  At least a few times a week.  Paper was like an old friend that I could talk to about anything.  Then, one day, I just....stopped.  Stopped letting my thoughts be something more than just thoughts.  I've seen a lot over these past few years. We all have.  I've been amazed at how fast we've all grown up and how quickly things change.  I've crossed some things off my list of things to accomplish.  I've also added a lot more things to that list.  At the same time, I've faced a lot of hardships and seen friends face many hardships.  And in the process, I lost my voice. So maybe this is the way for me to get it back.  Maybe it's just my attempt to put my thoughts out there.   Maybe it's my attempt to connect to so many people I have lost touch with, but haven't stopped thinking about.  Maybe it's my way to heal.  I don't know.  But it was the only way to get myself writing again.  so, hello friend.  I missed you.

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