Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tully Dog blunder

Tully has been an amazing addition to our lives.  However, she does not provide many dull moments.  This past week, she somehow cut both of her front paws while in the backyard.  We cleaned her up and came up with creative ways to keep her paws safe.  We got better supplies as the week went on.
 Our first attempt.  Socks and ribbon.  We couldn't find any tape.
She didn't let her cuts damper her mood or excitement.

We realized ribbon might not be the best tool  during the walk.  Tully at least retained half a sock.

Round two.  Her other foot seemed fine, so I thought I'd try just one foot.  She went outside and lost it immediately while chasing a squirrel. 

Our best attempt.  Gauze pads and tape.  We put on dog booties over top which was amazing to watch!
  Tully is a trooper and after a few days is almost all healed up!

1 comment:

  1. awww...I could have knit her some cotton socks. Hopefully their won't be a next time. Wish Tully could meet Pika.
